三沙海平救助打捞有限公司于 2017 年 4 月 1 日在海南省市场监督管理局注册,是一家从事海上救助打捞及海洋工 程服务的专业公司,注册资金叁仟万元整。办公地址:海南省洋浦经济开发区吉浦路 9 号新浦大厦 505 室。
公司拥有各类船舶 7 艘,包括 4800 马力至 15800 马力拖轮 4 艘、工程船 3 艘、8 名潜水员以及溢油回收配套装 置等国际一流设备。
公司先后取得了中国潜水打捞行业协会《打捞能力与信用评估等级证书海上三级》、《潜水服务能力与信用评估等 级证书潜水作业三级》及《潜水作业安全证书》。 依据 GB/T19001-2016、GB/T24001-2016 和 GB45001-2020 的体系标准,建立了可运行的 QHSE 管理体系。并通过取得了 CCS《环境管理体系认证证书》、《职业健康管理体系 认证证书》及《质量管理体系认证证书》。
公司本着“保障海上生命财产安全,保护海洋环境清洁”的救捞宗旨,凭借“优化管理、重视人才、强化服务、快速反应的服务理念,追求“人员精干、装备精良、技术精湛、在关键时刻起关键作用”的救捞目标,通过全体员工的 努力,已成功完成了多次海上救捞、拖航及海洋工程服务作业,赢得了良好的市场信誉。公司主要服务区域为南海、广 东、广西、福建海域,同时也涉及到国内沿海各大港口。公司与国内主要港口当地的行业组织组成战略合作伙伴,实现 了公司人员、船舶、设备和后勤保障的资源共享,使公司能够为客户提供全天候的快捷、高效、优质、安全的海上救捞、 拖航及海洋工程服务。
Sansha Haiping Rescue & Salvage Co., Ltd. was established on the 1st of April 2017 in Hainan Province, P.R.China with the aim of providing professional services in respect of marine rescue, salvage, towage, wreck removal and engineering projects. The address of the company is Room 505, Xinpu Building, 9 Jipu Road, Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Hainan Province. The company has a registered fund of CNY30 million.
Aparting from its main business, the company has also been engaged in domestic cargo transport, ship inspection & maintenance, ship sales, lease & management, harbour tug operation as well as diving services, such as underwater non-destructive inspections, marine growth cleaning, installation, disassembly, plugging & sealing, repairing and maintenance.
The company owns three ocean-going AHT tugs, one fully revolving harbour tug, 3 engineering barges, 8 divers together with appropriate oil cleaning & ancilliary equipment. It has obtained various qualification certificates relevant to the marine salvage and diving industries to date in connection with service capability, quality, reputation and environmental protection etc..
The main operating scope of the company covers the entire South China Sea as well as the sea areas of Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian Provinces of China and the company has developed and maintained close links with various cooperative partners along the China coast to provide mutual support where needed to enable the various marine operations to be carried out both efficiently and successfully.